Chapter Profile

Mu Pi Chapter of
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.

Post Office Box 17582  |  Greenville, SC  29606

Chapter History

Under the leadership of Brother S. T. Peden and Alphonso Allen with the guidance, representation, and collaboration of then Sixth District Representative Charles Brooks, Mu Pi Chapter was chartered March 9, 1974, with 28 brothers. Brother S. T. Peden was chosen as the chapter’s first basileus.   

The developmental years are characterized as a period of fraternal bonding through programmatic efforts. Mu Pi’s humanitarian endeavors grew over the years to become remarkably noticeable in Greenville County. Mu Pi Chapter has contributed over $120,000 in college scholarships to young citizens of the Greenville area.  

Mu Pi Chapter is committed to supporting programs established by the Sixth District and National Offices.  Mu Pi also contributes to the NAACP, UNCF, Assault-On-Literacy (AOL), and the Ronald McNair Scholarship Fund.  Locally, among others, the chapter contributes to the Phillis Wheatley Center, SHARE, and the Greenville Urban League.  The Omegas’ of Mu Pi Chapter were instrumental in the establishment of the Greenville area National Pan Hellenic Council.

 Key Contacts

Bro. Stamarian Watts

Mike Campbell
Officer Representative

Ulysses Sweeney, IV
Officer Representative

Bracy Hunt
Council Representative

Marlon Campbell
Council Representative

 Organization Facts  & Important Links

Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
Founded: November 17, 1911
Howard University

Charter Brothers

Signature Events

Scholarship Information

Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Mu Pi Chapter College Scholarship is annually awarded to high school seniors in Greenville County. The  Submission Deadline is usually in April. This year's deadline for applying is April 15th. It is awarded on the recipient's senior/awards day. 

Application packets are distributed to Greenville County High schools. Acceptance and subsequent enrollment in a certified college or university are required. $5,000 is awarded to the recipient. The award is open to all races and gender.