NPHC-GG changes Meetings to Online to prevent COVID-19
Post date: Mar 18, 2020 9:34:45 AM
Greenville, South Carolina - In the light of the growing COVID-19 crisis, NPHC-GG is changing our face-to-face meetings to online conference calls. The first meeting this affects is our upcoming meeting on March 30, 2020 at 6:15 PM.
We are urging all of our member chapters to limit their events to comply with any local, state and national guidelines. Currently (as of 3/17/20), South Carolina Governor's Office is asking groups not to have any events with more 50* or more people.
All members should promote CDC's guidelines for helping to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus, include the following items:
Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly (at least 20 secs)
If you cough, cough into your elbow, not your hands.
When you are out, practice "Social Distancing" (keeping more than 6 FT apart) whenever possible.
Don't go to work, if you feel sick.
If you feel sick, call your doctor or using Tele-Health appointments : (MUSC or PRISMA).
Common Resources:
CDC Coronavirus (COVID-19) website
John Hopkins' Tracking Dashboard for COVID-19
* National guidelines are for individuals to only gather in group less than 10 people.
Help stop coronavirus
1HANDSWash them often
2ELBOWCough into it
3FACEDon't touch it
4FEETStay more than 3ft apart
5FEELsick? Stay home