May NPHC Meeting Moved to June 2nd; NPHC Retreat set for June 21st
Post date: May 26, 2014 1:34:34 PM
Greenville, South Carolina - NPHC Council Meeting has been moved to June 2nd to avoid the Memorial Day Holiday. Normally, the Council meeting is held on every fourth Monday in the month, but President Jennifer Clark has decided to change to meeting time this month. It will be a face-to-face meeting unless the location is not available next week. Please consult the Council calendar or website for any other changes in schedule. Also as Save-the-Date item:
The 2014 Council Retreat is scheduled for June 21st on Saturday Morning from 9 AM to 1 PM. Location is tentatively set for AKA Service Center in Greenville, South Carolina. Council Reps are asked to please invite your Chapter Leadership (President, Basileus, Polemarch,, etc.) to attend the retreat to plan for next year's event and efforts. Council are also reminded to response to the NPHC Survey which is available from the Council Survey Launch Page.