Delta Sigma Theta - Greenville rejoins NPHC

Post date: Dec 31, 2012 5:30:52 PM

Greenville, South Carolina - We are proud to report that Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. of Greenville has rejoined the council after an extended absence. ΔΣΘ is one of the larger chapters in the area which means we will have a stronger presence in our community with their support.

"We are excited to have Delta Sigma Theta rejoin our ranks and look forward to continued service with them through the Council" said Council President Jennifer Clark. Delta Alumnae Chapter President Yolanda Holmes, stated "It is our pleasure to resume our affiliation with the NPHC of Greenville. Our association with fellow greek members strengthens our relationships, supports our mutual interests, and reinforces our collective effectiveness in the community."

Delta's new Council representatives are Sherlyn Kelly-Thompson and Kimberly Brown-Shuford. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority will celebrate their 100 Year Founding on January 13, 2013. More information about the Greenville Chapter is available on their website,, and chapter information page on this site.

Let's welcome Delta back to the council as we start the new year!

About Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated is a private, non-profit organization whose purpose is to provide assistance and support through established programs in local communities throughout the world. The organizational structure and governance of the Sorority is invested in the Grand Chapter, which meets in National Convention biennially. Regional Conferences are held in the seven geographic regions of the organization during non-convention years. The Executive Board, consisting of elected and appointed members of the chapter, acts to establish and implement policies of the chapter.